What every Liberal should understand and comprehend. There is a solution to the Immigration problem, if our elected congressional leaders wish to do their appointed job. Read this blog and decide for yourself. You may very well vote different in the next election.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Democratic Politicians believe that we should embrace Terrorists. They believe that we can negotiate with the enemy. They believe the Terrorists have equal rights as all Americans. The terrorist have no country, they are simply terrorists, the low life of the world and I would submit that they do not deserve any rights of America, the Geneva convention or for that matter of the world. I have no doubt the Democratic politicians would let their sons or daughters die rather than Water board terrorists. I wonder if, any Democratic Politician has a son or daughter in the military, I submit that if they do I would think they are driving Miss Daisy, but if they are serving as our sons do, then, they are True Americans and wish to protect the rights of all Americans, I commend them. I condemn the Democratic Party and all it believes in, for they do not care one iota about America or "We the People". I submit they are weak, and of lowly status. I am sure their knuckles drag the ground as they walk these streets. I truly believe that if they were intelligent or had any common sense they would be Conservatives.

When one of our "We the People" is murdered by terrorists, by cutting off their heads, the Democratic Party never condemns the terrorists, Yet if supposedly one of our military personnel kill a terrorists they are up in arms condemning our military. If you have ever heard one (1) Democratic Politician condemn this act please let me know. To date I have never heard one condemn any act of a terrorists (except the Twin Towers). I find they only wish to protect the terrorists from our military, who are just doing their job, and doing it very well, protecting "We the People".

The terrorists locked up in Guantanamo bay have a comfortable bed to sleep on. They have the best food, and I have no doubt that they are served their homeland food. We even allow them/provide them with the books to worship. They get all the amenities of life except, freedom. Yet our military must sleep on the ground. They must eat pre-packaged food. They are in inclement weather. They are in some of the harshest conditions. So the terrorists are to be treated better than our military? Now they want to move the terrorists to our prisons and give them all the rights of "We the People" of America. Again to be treated better than our Military! Is this what you want. I am listening to Senator Harry Reed, talk about how horrible Abu grade prison torture was, that we put panties on the enemies heads, I bet our military wish that the enemy put panties on their heads rather than cutting off their heads on national Television.

Harry Reed is the best of the Democratic Party along with Pelosi? Wow, if you voted for these two, I think you need to start paying attention to what they say on the floor of the senate and house. I truly would submit to you that they are not Americans, but some alien from ape town. For their knuckles surely drag the ground when they walk. This does not say much for you, does it?

The Democrats want more time to decide if the intelligence bill should be passed or made temporary once again (Remember the house has had nearly a year or more, some comments I have heard this day say back to 2004, to learn all that is necessary in order to make a educated decision). The Democratic Party wants to make sure that the rights of the terrorists are protected and they do not offend the terrorists. Many times I have heard the Democratic Politicians state that we should not offend the terrorists. Had we not attacted the terrorists we would be better off, do you really believe such lies. We spy on our enemies in other countries, not our own citizens unless they are talking to terrorists in other countries. Why do they wish to protect the rights of Terrorists? Is the Democratic Party enabling the terrorists to attack this country? It certainly sounds as if this is what the are working so hard to achieve. What other conclusion can we conclude?

Those of you who Vote for a Politician to represent us in this nation, you need to get more involved, listen to what is going on in America. If you do not understand, then take a course on politics. Learn what you need to know about our system of Government, and what you as an American wish for life , liberty, your values and traditions. If you can't do this even on minimum effort, then please do not vote. Better yet Vote for Conservatives who wish to keep all Americans safe.

Liberal: free from prejudice or bigotry; tolerant: a liberal attitude toward foreigners. open-minded or tolerant, esp. free of or not bound by traditional ( I would like to keep the traditions of my family and Country as established by my parents and our fore fathers of this nation. Dennis Ketchum),or conventional ideas, values (this I find very true, they have changing values, I would like to keep mine constant, not changing with time. Dennis Ketchum), etc. A few definitions from for the term liberal include:
Favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.
Favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, especially as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties.
Favoring or permitting freedom of action, especially with respect to matters of personal belief or expression: a liberal policy toward dissident artists and writers.
Free from prejudice or bigotry; tolerant: a liberal attitude toward foreigners.
When you look at the definitions of the term, you can see why liberals are vulnerable to criticism. By remaining favorable to the freedoms of all people—regardless of race, sexual orientation, religion ( "they do believe in freedom of religion as long as its not Christianity, but Muslin yes, do you ever hear a Liberal complain about Christianity in Colleges, No! Yet they do not complain about Muslins in Colleges having their own place to worship inside the College campus, built with government Taxes." Dennis Ketchum), and heritage, liberals become easy targets.
Liberals are in favor of government-funded programs, most specifically those ("that enslave blacks and the Mexican to welfare, and a life of stagnation" Dennis Ketchum)that address inequalities that they view as having derived from historical discrimination. Liberals believe that prejudice and stereotyping in society can hamper the opportunities for some citizens.
For this reason, liberals have been labeled "bleeding hearts" and "tax and spenders" in reference to their support of public policies that address restricted access to health care, housing, and jobs.
Liberal Bias
How do you know if a media presentation or book has a liberal bias?
That's actually a little tricky. In truth, every person's opinion of what constitutes liberal thought is a little different from every other person's. As demonstrated above, the term liberal means open to all. When critics claim that the press is too liberal, for instance, they are claiming that the press is voicing a view that is too far outside the mainstream. The question is, is the mainstream view the correct view? What is mainstream, anyway?

As an example of our dilemma: One of the most prevalent issues that causes political tension between the ideologies is gay rights. When the press covers a gay pride parade and is not critical of homosexuality, a more conservative viewer would complain that the media's coverage has a liberal slant that conveys the message that homosexuality is acceptable.
There is no clear right or wrong answer about a liberal bias, then. The fact is, you may read things as much too liberal, while others may read them as progressive.

Conservative: disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change. cautiously moderate or purposefully low: a conservative estimate. traditional in style or manner; avoiding novelty or showiness: conservative suit. Some definitions of conservative from include:
Disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.
Favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change.
Critics accuse some organizations of having a conservative bias or political slant. What does this mean?
To be blunt, conservative thinkers often believe that there is a right and wrong answer in most situations
( So we do not see shades of Gray, such bull, this could be closer to the truth if your talking about how Liberal appointees to the Supreme Court, interpret the constitution of these United States, the liberals would like to use the consensus of foreign countries or the far left feelings or political left, to make decisions. Rather than interpreting the constitution and the words of our fore fathers, of which, I remind you, we came to this country to get away from control and over taxation by other countries, Dennis Ketchum),
while more liberal thinkers see a lot of grey in most situations. When critics claim a conservative bias exists, they are saying that the media is, in a sense, favoring a view that they deem right or moral.
To clarify, liberals are open to all views, regardless of opinions about right and wrong, while conservatives take a stand on which view is the moral view.
The definitions above indicate that conservative thinkers favor tradition over change and morality over behavior that they deem indecent or amoral. By claiming that a medial outlet or book has a conservative slant, critics are claiming that the media is providing a specific view based on ideology.
According to Amy Hess:

Morality: Conservatives believe that traditional morality serves as the best protection against the ills that plague society. The government should encourage policies that promote morality and discourage immorality. Personal freedom demands personal responsibility, and liberty is no excuse for irresponsible behavior.
Life Issues: Social conservatives believe that human life has intrinsic value.
The abortion of unborn human babies is the murder of human life and should not be allowed in a civilized/ moral society.
Euthanasia devalues human life. It encourages society to decide the "worth" of human life based on perceived enjoyment of life rather than life's intrinsic value.
Question: What is a Conservative?
Answer: *In the United States, political conservatives believe two basic things are important for keeping America strong: morality and responsibility. Therefore, conservatives often support government policies that promote moral behavior - like abstinence education - and that encourage responsible behavior - like lowering taxes on people who work hard and are financially successful.
Conservatives believe Americans should help each other, but that society should not look to the government to solve all of its problems. Conservatives see the government as big and wasteful, and government programs too often reward immoral or irresponsible behavior. Conservatives believe that the government should keep a tight budget, and government programs - if they exist at all - should help people get strong and independent so that they do not need further government assistance.

I am not asking you to get down to the nuts and bolts of politics, but to listen to your heart, remember what your parents, mine and our fore fathers fought for, and the constitution writen to protect this society and to provide us the freedoms we all have and wish to continue to enjoy. Remember the Traditions of your parents, Grand Parents; the values you were taught as a child and a young adult. Hold on to that which is honest, moral, and good for you and America.
We do not wish to stop those wishing to make a new life in America, we just ask that they don't come to America and not be obsorbed into Society or try to change our values, language, traditions, constitution, or any other valued freedom we have in America, our home land.
The United States of America.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


It seems strange to me, if part of the problem is closing the border, why can’t this be done.

If Mexican citizens wish to enter the United States to find work, why can’t it be across a standard border crossing? Why can’t they be documented and assigned an ID card, so they can be tracked, and why can’t their ID be updated periodically, and why can’t they be deported and not allowed to return to this country if they wish to break our laws.

Why should all Mexicans be given citizenship, when we have a quota system for all nations coming to the United States? If we continue to allow unskilled, uneducated individuals into the United States, our system will come crumbling down, because of the erosion of our ideals, the changing of our values, our traditions. The news reports say there are twelve million undocumented Illegals in the United States presently. Many are undocumented and refuse to come out of hiding. So it is a possibility that there are twenty-four million undocumented Illegals. If the boarder states are having problems supporting the influx of Illegals to date, what will be the cost if there are twenty-four million additional Illegals documented in the United States? This would require and increase in taxes, so the Liberals can provide the Mexicans with all the services they need to survive, so the Mexicans will vote Liberal. Has every one forgotten that when other individuals, from other countries, came to this nation they were required to learn English, the Constitution and take a test to become a citizen. Do the Mexicans have to do this? I think even the ignorant individuals can look this up and decide that no, and this is Wrong, Mexicans wishing to become a citizen of this country should have to follow all the rules.

So what is the problem with putting the National Guard on the boarder to protect the United States? Even if you’re a liberal why on earth would you want to allow Mexicans across the border, so they can become citizens in a country they do not support, many of them refuse to adopt the English language or even wish to be an American. Then not allow people from other countries into the United States in the same manner. Liberal voting block are being duped by the far left, thinking they are doing all this because they care about you and your family; remember you’re an American. When in fact all they wish is to do is stay in power by gaining the vote of the Mexican. To top it all off, in order to keep the vote they must fill the pork barrel with lots of your taxes dollars. Not to help you and your family, but to keep the Mexican voting for the Liberals. What a vicious circle they weave, and the Liberal voting block seem to be blind to this fact.

All other nations in this world must follow the rules and all laws. Yet the Illegals break the law, by coming across the boarder and we say its okay, then they steal our identity and we say that it’s okay, they form gangs and sell drugs to our children, gang style killings and many other illegal operations and we say that its okay, then they thumb their noses at our flag and us and we say its okay.
We allow the Mexican to come to the United States and they only have to wait until a politician decides they need more votes and then they announce they wish to make all Illegals citizens with amnesty. Its no wonder that they are still coming to the United States in the thousands each and every day. We need to hold our congress to the line and either they vote the will of the people or we vote them out of office. Congress is to protect our way of life, not destroy it. We elect them to keep this country free and safe. If they are not doing as our Constitution dictates they do, then vote them out of office.

Our hospital system is overburdened; many have crumbled, gone out of business do to the cost of supporting Illegals, as the news has reported. So costly giving free medical to the Mexicans, yet not allowing those in the United States who are here legally, the same privilege. Oh of course that would break the system. Well what do you think when we give free services to the Mexicans. Remember they say twelve million, yet if as they say many refuse to come out of hiding to be documented, I submit to you that maybe there is twice that, twenty four million. Just think what it will cost you to support them, with the Liberals passing more laws to provide them with more services. Imagine what it will cost to support twenty-four million Illegals.

The way of life in the United States is doomed unless we hold our congress and the president to that of the will of the people. If they don’t vote the will of the people then again I say vote them out of office. Our voting right is the most important and most precious Constitutional right, use it, and vote for those who will protect your rights and the Constitution of these United States.

According to the news our boarder states are in the red because of trying to provide all the free services to the Mexican Illegals. Your hard earned tax dollars at work for those who are illegally in the United States; wouldn’t you want your tax dollars to support those needs of you and your family?

I have yet to meet any one who does not want the borders closed, and so should they be closed and secured. Do you really think the Liberals want to stop Terrorist from coming into the United States? Why to the Liberals vote all congressional bills down, if they state, “closing the boarder”, then do you believe they want to protect YOU. They stop our citizens from watching the boarder. They tried to stop the National Guard from being put on the boarder, once they were there, they wanted them to be unarmed, and they have to retreat due to the armed Mexicans threatening them. Don’t you believe we have a right to protect our boarders? So do the Irish, Germans and all other nations have to follow all the quotas and laws to enter the United States? Could it be because they will vote for conservatives in a greater number then the Mexicans? Thus not giving the Liberals the power to make our system of government according to their will and their views, (remember they believe you are unable to come to the best decision, so they will make it for you, which, is usually against the will of the people. Why must Americans lose their heritage because of the carpetbagger Liberals, and the influx of Mexican?

As the law requires all those seeking citizenship in America should be required to learn our constitution and speak English. The Mexicans here now do not speak English nor do they ever intend to. They do not want to be an American, but rather a Mexican citizen in a land they consider Mexico. They refuse to speak English; they do not wish to be assimilated into our society.

Gangs are so dangerous and getting worse, yet we want to make them all citizens. At present we protect gangs in our cities, our city police are not allowed to arrest those who have committed crimes in the past. Why, because if we go after them and deport them, the Liberals will lose the Mexican vote. When will the American public wake up and stop all this madness. Require our government to pass a good “Bill” not one the public does not want. If they don’t want to listen to you then vote them out of office and get some one in there that can be an American and do the will of the people, who they supposedly represent. These gangs are terrorists; why do we treat them as if we can ever change them. Lets go after them and any organized gang and deport them and never allow them to return to America.

Erosion of American values, caused by the influx of Illegals who wish not to join in American ideology, but keeps their values (which are not the same as those that my parents and yours raised you to understand and keep and pass on to your children and grand children). Many Mexican and countries further south do not keep the same values as we do here in America.
I have traveled to many countries and found the values of those countries not in line with those of my parents and grandparents. By requiring some one to speak our language and understand our constitution to become a citizen of these United States, they will learn more to be an American and hopefully understand that our values have value. These values will be something to hold on to and adopt. I know most other nationalities have different values and ideologies, yet they do keep in line with keeping America a homogeneous nation.

Lets keep America free, safe; let’s keep our traditions, our values, and our ideals. Lets not forget why we fought wars in the past and are still at war with terrorist. The terrorist will not give in; they wish to destroy our nation. They will do so, if, we as Americans allow them. We can’t sit still and isolated, believing if we stick our heads in the sand and they shall disapear. Democrats believe they can make friends with terrorist. They hate us, our way of life, and they only wish to destroy us, wake up America.

You cannot negotiate with terrorists. We cannot provide services for all mankind in the world. We cannot even secure our borders due to the thirst for power, by the far left.

Wake up America; let’s get it right now, for there is no return from the hell we are headed for, if we fail.